
Smitten Beerentines return later this month

Smitten beerentines will return for a third year later this month.  As in past years, printed cards will be limited. And we will hand write, address and then send one on your behalf for free. We just need to know who to send it to and where. A short message can also be included.  Each Bell's beerentine will also include a little extra swag from us. Digital cards will also return. They can be scheduled to be delivered on Valentine's Day or whenever you  prefer. Keep an eye here and on our social media for more information. They sell out fast!

Smitten? Send a Bell's Beerentine to your special someone

UPDATE (1/31/17): All of this year's beerentines have been spoken for. You can still send an e-version now until Feb. 14. After another tremendous response last year, Smitten beerentines are back for a third year. You can choose to send one via snail mail (yes, we will still fill out the card, address the envelope, take care of the postage and mail it for you with a little something extra from us) or you can send an e-version. As in previous years, there is no cost for either. Just choose how you want us to send it (snail mail or the Intertubes), who you want it to go to and which design to use (this year we have six brand new designs along with six returning favorites). We will take care of the rest. Please keep in mind, paper beerentines are limited and the deadline to order one is noon on Feb. 1, or until they are all spoken for (they have sold out quickly in previous years). Please, one per person. We also have to limit recipients’ locations to the U.S. (for those living outside of the U.S., you can still use the e-version). We will get them in the mail for delivery on or around Valentine’s Day. It will be up to you to choose when your e-card is sent (immediately, on Valentine's Day, before, etc.). e-Beerentines are available here.


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