VI: Salut au Monde!

Unfiltered Rustic Lager

The sixth of 7 beers celebrating a literary classic, and one of our favorites, Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman. This is our take on a German-style Kellerbier. Rustic grains, including pilsen malt and maize, offer classic bready notes and a light haze. Herbal, noble hops and tangy rye malt add a light spiciness. 

Bell's Salut au Monde is the sixth release in its Leaves of Grass inspired Series.
Bell's Salut au Monde is available in 12 oz. bottles, packaged in 6-packs, and on draft.
Bell's Salut au Monde is inspired by the German beer style kellerbier.
Alcohol By Volume: 
Shelf Life: 
3 Months
Tasting Notes: