III: O Captain! My Captain!

Leaves of Grass Series - Black India Pale Lager

The third of 7 beers celebrating a literary classic, and one of our favorites, Leaves of Grass, by Walt Whitman. Brewed with Michigan-grown hops, this Black IPL may look like a Stout, but doesn’t drink like one. Floral, fruity and citrus notes are matched with the clean, crisp finish of a Lager.

Future editions will be released every two months ending in May 2020.

O Captain! My Captain! is the third release in Bell's Leaves of Grass Series.
O Captain! My Captain! is the third release in Bell's Leaves of Grass Series.
O Captain! My Captain! is the third release in Bell's Leaves of Grass Series.
Alcohol By Volume: 
Shelf Life: 
3 Months